

They say "FOLLOW YOUR HEART", because your
heart knows things your mind can't explain.

For me, never separate your mind from your heart when making relationship decisions because the purpose of the mind is to protect your heart.  Or maybe we can say "FOLLOW YOUR MIND not YOUR HEART".  Because your HEART gets a vote, but your mind gets the VETO POWER!

Now, share me your thoughts.



Flowers helped us convey our feelings to our partners/love ones.  Through the language of colors of ROSES it interprets the expressions/feelings that we want to carry and convince to someone.

The number of roses had its own meaning too!

  photo credit: -RejiK via photopin cc

  • Spiritual Love, Innocence, Purity, Secrecy, Reverence, Worthiness
This color is usually used during the wedding ceremony.   From the bridal gown to bouquet.  It's symbolizes the true intentions, purity and worthiness.

  • Sincere, Love, Respect, Courage, Passion, Well Done, Congratulation
Symbolizes passion and true love.

 photo credit: DanRhett via photopin cc

  • Happiness, Elegance, Romance, Admiration, Sweetness, Thank You, Gentle
These blooms is very favorable in Thanksgiving ceremony. To convey admiration and sympathy.  It implicates emotions, to give and receive.

  • In Victorian times this color means JEALOUSY.  But in modern world it means Welcome or Welcome Back, Friendship, Joy, Gladness, Freedom, A promise of a new beginning.
Usually we see this kind of a flower in a hospital wherein visitors bring this to a sick friend.  Perfect for a new mother, or newly engaged couple. Or just a thank you thoughts.

 photo credit: Romana Correale via photopin cc

  • Love at first sight, Enchantment
The fairy tale rose as they uttered.  So mystical, full of significance and importance.

photo credit: Mario Spann via photopin cc

  • Passionate desire, Full of enthusiasm and fascination, Pride
Excellent symbol for a new relationship.It could be in business or any activities.  Seen mostly on Graduation or a career or a relationship need to pursue further.

photo credit: Madeleine_ via photopin cc

  • Imagination,  Dreaming mind, Longingness
The fabrication of a dreaming mind.  Some people don't like to receive this kind of rose because for them it is the figment of imagination or something unobtainable.

photo credit: Melinda Taber via photopin cc

  • Death, REBIRTH or Something NEW and MYSTERIOUS
Some hate this color because it implies death. But other's believe that BLACK is the REBIRTH or the beginning of something new; relationship or career.

Now you know the different colors of ROSES, let us go to the NUMBERS OF ROSES and its meaning:

1 rose - LOVE at FIRST SIGHT; you are the one
2 roses - Mutual love, deeply in love with each other
3 roses - I love you.
6 roses - I wanna be yours
7 roses - I'm infatuated with you
9 roses - Eternal Love, as long as we live together
10 roses - You are perfect
11 roses - Treasured one; my only one 
12 roses - Be my steady
13 roses - Secret admirer
15 roses - Please forgive me; I am truly sorry
20 roses - Believe me.  I am sincere with you
21 roses - I am devoted to you
24 roses - I can't stop thinking of you
33 roses - "I LOVE YOU" in great affection
36 roses - I will remember our romantic moments
40 roses - My love for you is genuine
50 roses - Regretless love
99 roses - I will love you for as long as I live
100 roses - Harmoniously living together and to remain devoted.
101 roses - You are my one and only love
108 roses - Please marry me!
365 roses - Can't stop thinking about you,
each and everyday
999 roses - Everlasting and Eternal Love

I know roses now are quite expensive; it's the thought that count, right?

But before you try to impress someone make sure you know the meaning behind it, the meaning of roses and what does the number represent.

Happy Lovers Day!!!



Peak Time is here again.  We all know that when love month is here it means peak time. We think of a gift to give with your love ones, friends and families.  Not only cards, roses, and chocolates but sharing the true meaning of LOVE.

photo credit: VinothChandar via photopin cc

TRUE LOVE WAITS.  Do you believe that true love can wait regardless distance and time?  The right time will come to those who believe and have faith.  And have patience to wait for the person to come.  

We all know that there is NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP but there is a COMPATIBLE PARTNERSHIP that goes along with it.  Finding the right person is very hard especially if you set standards.  But is is BEST to be the right person for the one you love and start from here to be a compatible partner.

photo credit: Adam Foster | Codefor via photopin cc

For me I am not rushing things now.  Just to make this clearer, I came from a married relationship but it doesn't work at all.  My relationship fails not because he is not the right person, it is because we expected too much from our relationship.  And being separated for almost 8 years now, we decided on our own.

Now I am more dependent on what God wants me to do.  You may call it waiting, that every time I wait..I pray.  God knows best and I know somehow he is preparing someone to be called my COMPATIBLE PARTNER in life.

photo credit: Victor Bezrukov via photopin cc

~Love isn't something you can buy nor beg. It is real and existing. You can’t touch it but you can feel it in your heart. You can’t find it, but it will knock before you when you least expect it to come. It can make you the happiest soul in heaven, but don’t forget that it also can make you the most miserable person in the whole galaxy.~ 



photo credit: fa73 via photopin cc

Why does LOVE BLURS your VISION?  Is it  just like with the famous quotes we usually hear that "LOVE IS BLIND"?

Try to love somebody that you never met.  Try to fall with someone whose face you haven't seen.  Try kissing for someone whose lips you've never touched. Or hold his/her hands whose fingers you could imagine as yours.  Try making love with someone whom reflections you've seen is so blur, you climb for such imagination that he/she is there beside you.  STUPIDITY isn't it?

Then if you broke up with that someone you've never seen at all...the wound still too deep to imagine. You get the hard time to recover from it.  

How do you move on and get up from the fall?  Well I am there now...I am madly, deeply in love with this guy I haven't seen for a long time.  Sounds crazy? Yes, it is.  I honestly dumb and stupid and I finally realize that I am amazingly having an affair with someone, with no conditions, with no repercussions, with no appearance to indulge with the PAIN I am suffering now. Is this a literal proof that LOVE IS TOTALLY BLIND?  Or am I just LOSING MY VISION here?

Is this the kind of thing you see if you sit in the darkness with open eyes and never thinking what the future brings?  Am I dreaming?  Please wake me up before I drowned in my own dilemma. ~sigh~


The World Is A Book of Travel

photo credit: Werner Kunz via photopin cc

This quote was written by Saint Augustine of Hippo

Photo credit: Goodreads

He was the bishop of Hippo Regius (today this place is called Annaba, Algeria).  He was a Latin philosopher and theologian from the Africa Province of the Roman Empire and is generally considered as one of the greatest Christian thinkers of all times. His writings were very influential in the development of Western Christianity.

According to his contemporary Jerome, Augustine "established anew the ancient Faith." In his early years he was heavily influenced by Manichaeism and afterward by the Neo-Platonism of Plotinus. After his conversion to Christianity and his baptism in 387, Augustine developed his own approach to philosophy and theology, accommodating a variety of methods and different perspectives. He believed that the grace of Christ was indispensable to human freedom, and he framed the concepts of original sin and just war.

When the Western Roman Empire was starting to disintegrate, Augustine developed the concept of the Catholic Church as a spiritual City of God (in a book of the same name), distinct from the material Earthly City. His thoughts profoundly influenced the medieval worldview. Augustine's City of God was closely identified with the Church, the community that worshiped the Trinity.

In the Catholic Church, he is a saint and pre-eminent Doctor of the Church, and the patron of the Augustinians; his memorial is celebrated 28 August, the day of his death. He is the patron saint of brewers, printers, theologians, the alleviation of sore eyes, and a number of cities and dioceses.  

Run Away

photo credit: dlemieux via photopin cc 

Running away doesn't mean you are weak.  Same as TRAVELLING.  People who loves to travel aren't running away from LIFE.

To RUN from LOVE doesn't means you don't love that person.  Just the opposite.

People who tends to break the molds, explore the real meaning of LIFE. We need to be alone just to understand what is going on.